Roadmap Template

Bit's smart documents and wikis will help you create, collaborate and share knowledge in a smarter way across projects, processes, reports, meetings, clients, partners, investors and more.

What is Roadmap Documentation?

Roadmaps are an organized way of listing out features and updates that will be rolling out in the future. It can be for products and services. This map allows all stakeholders to be on the same page of the importance and timing of features so that the company can work towards making those strides.

Why is Roadmap Documentation Important?

Roadmaps can be created at an organization or department level. It's an important way to make sure everyone knows that's coming down the pipeline and what is being focused on in the near and distant future. By creating an open roadmap it allows ideas to be thought through, reflected on, timing of items to be debated and processed. Roadmaps are great to create for internal use, but also helpful to share with clients and partners. It provides excitement of what they get to look forward to and shows that your company is continuing to evolve.

What You Should Include in Roadmap Documentation



Time Frame


Participants (optional)

Milestone 1

  • Goal
  • Start Date
  • Status
  • Completion Date
  • Steps
  • Result

Continue adding milestones.

Key Benefits of Making Your Roadmap on

Bit is an collaborative interactive modern document platform that allows you to incorporate smart content inside of your documents. Businesses from across the globe are using Bit for fast beautiful documents.

Here are some of the man benefits of using Bit:

  1. Collaborate in real-time
  2. Interlink roadmap documents and projects
  3. Create fully responsive documents
  4. Create private roadmaps only visible to yourself or your team
  5. Track engagement on shared roadmaps with clients, partners, etc.

How to Make Your Roadmap Documentation Interactive

Recommended power links and files you can add to your Bit document roadmap template:

  • Web links
  • Google Sheets, OneDrive Excel, Airtable
  • GitHub
  • Social Media posts
  • YouTube, Vimeo
  •, Lucidcharts
  • Sketchfab, Figma, Marvel
  • PDFs, PowerPoint in Google Drive/OneDrive
Rich media embed

Roadmap Template

Bit documents can also be embedded onto any website! Here's is Bit document that you can interact with and see in it's entirety:
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