Offer Letter Template

Bit's smart documents and wikis will help you create, collaborate and share knowledge in a smarter way across projects, processes, reports, meetings, clients, partners, investors and more.

What is an Offer Letter?

An offer letter is created by a company and sent to a potential employee letting them know that they have been offered a position. The potential employee can make a formal decision one way or the other.

Why Offer Letters are Important?

Offer letters are an important part of the hiring process. They provide a final offer of a job to a candidate and it's a point in the process for the new hire to make a decision as to whether or not to take the position. Offer letters provide information regarding compensation and a bit of information about the hiring package and role.

What You Should Include in Your Offer Letter?

Company Logo

Company Name

Company Address and contact information


Candidate First and Last Name

Candidate Address


Include the following:

  • Mention the job position
  • Start Date
  • Manager
  • Workplace location
  • Job Responsibilities
  • Compensation
  • Benefits Package

Hiring Manager Signature

New Employee Signature for Accepting Offer

Key Benefits of Creating Your Offer Letter on

Bit is an collaborative interactive modern document platform that allows you to incorporate smart content inside of your documents. Businesses from across the globe are using Bit for fast beautiful documents.

Here are some of the man benefits of using Bit:

  1. Collaborate in real-time
  2. Interlink offer letter documents
  3. Create fully responsive documents
  4. Create private offer letters only visible to yourself or your team
  5. Track engagement on shared offer letters with employees, consultants, etc.

How to Make Your Offer Letter Interactive?

Recommended power links and files you can add to your Bit document offer letter:

  • Web links
  • Google Sheets, OneDrive Excel, Airtable
  • PDFs, PowerPoint in Google Drive/OneDrive
  • Social Media posts
  • YouTube, Vimeo
Rich media embed

Offer Letter Template

Bit documents can also be embedded onto any website! Here's is Bit document that you can interact with and see in it's entirety:
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