Online Event Planning Template

Bit's smart documents and wikis will help you create, collaborate and share knowledge in a smarter way across projects, processes, reports, meetings, clients, partners, investors and more.

What is Event Planning Documentation?

Event planning documentation is coordinated effort to share all important, changing information about an event in one place. It's a way to ensure your team is on the same page and has access to the resources they need to do their jobs.

Why Event Planning is Important?

With so many moving parts events are complex - from venues, invites, marketing efforts, decorations, music, presenters, videos, communication, partnerships, advertisers, sponsors, etc. It's important to have one central place for communication to ensure that everything comes together for a successful event.

What You Should Include in Event Planning Documentation





Head Coordinator

Members of Event Committee

Event Goal

Event Summary

Event Schedule

Event Marketing

Event Budget

Event Partnerships

Key Benefits of Creating Your Event Planning on

Bit is an collaborative interactive modern document platform that allows you to incorporate smart content inside of your documents. Businesses from across the globe are using Bit for fast beautiful documents.

Here are some of the man benefits of using Bit:

  1. Collaborate in real-time
  2. Interlink event planning documents
  3. Create fully responsive documents
  4. Create private event planning documents only visible to yourself or your team
  5. Track engagement on shared event planning documents with clients, partners, etc.

How to Make Your Event Planning Documentation Interactive?

Recommended power links and files you can add to your Bit Document Event Planning Template:

  • Web links
  • Google Sheets, OneDrive Excel, Airtable
  • YouTube, Vimeo
  • Social Media posts
  • PDFs, PowerPoint in Google Drive/OneDrive
  •, Lucidcharts
  • Sketchfab, Figma, Marvel
Rich media embed

Online Event Planning Template

Bit documents can also be embedded onto any website! Here's is Bit document that you can interact with and see in it's entirety:
View TemplateCreate with Template

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