Business Plan Template

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What is a Business Plan?

Business plans are documents that force you to think through all the moving parts of any new business. It helps to put your thoughts down and analyze the new venture. Often business plans are used for raising funds and getting buying from other stakeholders.

Why are Business Plans Important?

Business plans are an important way of analyzing any new business opportunity. It's easy to get excited about new ideas, but a well written business plan helps to flush out your ideas. It will provide you with the research and backup you need to convince others to approve it, invest in it or become future clients of yours.

What You Should Include in Business Plans?


  • Company Name
  • Created By / Date

Executive Summary: Describe the problem you are solving and ultimately the need for your target market. It's important to include market analysis to back up your points. Explain how your solution fits in to solve the problem you have identified.

Business Overview & Key Objectives: Your main goal with this section of your business plan is to explain why your business is in the right place at the right time.

Marketing Plan: Provide an overview of your market size, statistics, and penetration.

Competitive Analysis: Compare your competitors from features, customers, revenue, market penetration and future outlook.

Design & Development: In this section you'll want to show-off the core functionality of your product. Hone in on your core features and features your customers most appreciate. Be sure to include any new game-changing features you plan to add.

Operational Plan: This is your opportunity to provide brief bios of your core team, along with their experience. Point out experiences that translate over to your industry and their job function.

Financial Forecast: Include a cash flow forecast, initial investment, and timeline for profitability. This is your opportunity to showcase your current run-rate, cash flow and projections.

Appendix: If you have any additional charts or further details you want to reference, add them to your appendix section.

Key Benefits of Making Your Business Plan on

Bit is an collaborative interactive modern document platform that allows you to incorporate smart content inside of your documents. Businesses from across the globe are using Bit for fast beautiful documents.

Here are some of the main benefits of using Bit:

  1. Collaborate in real-time
  2. Interlink business plan documents
  3. Create fully responsive documents
  4. Create private business plan documents only visible to yourself or your team
  5. Track engagement on shared business plan documents with investors, partners, etc.

How to Make Your Business Plan Interactive?

Recommended power links and files you can add to your Bit document business plan:

  • Web links
  • Google Sheets, OneDrive Excel, Airtable
  • PDFs, PowerPoint in Google Drive/OneDrive
  • YouTube, Vimeo
  •, Lucidcharts
  • Sketchfab, Figma, Marvel

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Business Plan Template

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